Acquiring solutions
Accept EMV and APM Payments Schemes via one Platform

We extend our value chain with broad range of payment methods and solutions independent of 3rd parties.
To create a secure and convenient payment journey for you we further develop and connect our technical solutions and services, complementing the epay payment value chain with our own acquiring, independent of third-party providers.
epay offers acquiring solutions in Germany:
- Processing & authorization of transactions with international card brands (EMV): MasterCard credit & debit, Visa credit & debit, Maestro debit, V-Pay debit
- Processing & authorization of transactions with Alternative Payment Methods (APM): AliPay, AliPay+, WeChat Pay, PayPal QR, Bluecode
- Clearing and settlement of all of the above mentioned payment methods
- Billing and Reporting
- One contractual partner for the merchant
- Billing and reporting for all payment methods from a single source
- One contact person with in-house German-speaking support hotline
- Acquiring with maximum reliability: the epay payment host has had a system availability of 99.999% over the last 30 years
- If you as a merchant want to keep your previous acquirer, this is also possible with epay. The epay Server is connected to all relevant acquirers on the German market (the connections are based on the GICC protocol)
epay Acquiring channels
- Stationary and mobile terminals with cash register integration or stand alone
- Virtual terminals
- Cash register integration (for QR Payments)
- Automata modules
- E-Commerce | In-App Payment
Card & Alternative Payment Methods with only one Acquiring Plattform
girocard is probably the best-known debit card in Germany, which can be used to make contactless payments almost anywhere.
With Mastercard debit and credit cards you can pay safely, faster and worldwide: both in store and online.
With Visa debit and credit cards you pay flexibly and securely in more that 200 countries and over 61 million points of acceptance worldwide.
Maestro is a Mastercard debit card for worldwide cashless payments and use of ATMs.
V Pay, the Visa debit card, is a European payment card based on EMV technology with PIN function.
AMEX, the abbreviation for American Express, offers various credit cards, which, among other things, convince with their own bonus program.
The credit card, which has about 50 million cardholders, is issued almost exclusively in the United States.
The bedrock of credit cards has been a popular means of payment since its beginnings in the 1950s.
There are around 28 million acceptance points for the Chinese UnionPay credit card around the globe.
JCB, the abbreviation for "Japan Credit Bureau", is a Japanese credit card bank whose credit card can be used to make payments mainly in Asia & the US.
*We offer AMEX, Discover, Diners Club, UnionPay and JCB card acceptance via Partner.
**Banks issue more and more debit cards (Visa Debit or Mastercard Debit) and the share of the debit cards in the market is rapidly increasing. This must be taken into consideration, as the POS terminals which accept only girocards cannot accept the new debit card products Visa Debit and Mastercard Debit. In contrast to the old debit card products Vpay (Visa) and Maestro (Mastercard) which worked without having to accept credit cards of Visa/Mastercard the newer Visa and Mastercard Debit Cards cannot be accepted without having also credit card acceptance. Moreover, from July 1, 2023, Maestro cards, being replaced by Mastercard Debit, will not be issued. Also, Visa Debit is to replace V-Pay, which will be discontinued at a reasonable pace.
Acceptance of alternative payment methods and mobile payments
Alipay ist mit über 1 Mrd. Nutzern die größte Payment- und Lifestyleplattform und hat über 54 % Marktanteil im Online-Geschäft in China.
WeChat Pay gehört mit +800 Mio. aktiven Nutzern zur beliebtesten Zahlungslösung, die vollständig in die Social- und Messaging-Anwendung von WeChat integriert ist.
Profitieren Sie von der Akzeptanz von Zahlungen via PayPal-App, der in Deutschland 29,1 Mio. & weltweit über 377 Mio. Nutzer vertrauen.
Bluecode ist eine europäische Alternative Payment-Lösung und als Bezahlmethode in in vielen Partnerapps integriert.
Apple Pay mit dem iPhone oder der Apple Watch zu nutzen, ist schnell und zuverlässig.
Google Pay. Der simple und schnelle Weg zum Bezahlen in Geschäften, in Apps oder im Web.
Huawei Pay. Der neue Bezahldienst des chinesischen Smartphoneherstellers Huawei.
epay Acquiring Pricing Models
We offer epay Flex and epay Fix pricing models for you
epay Fix: One condition
epay Flex: Interchange++
The selection of the epay Acquiring pricing model depends on the merchant needs. Please approach your epay contact to choose the most suitable pricing model for you.
epay Fix: One Condition
We offer epay Fix pricing model which charges the same fee for all transactions.
With epay Fix pricing model, the merchants always get charged the same % share (Disagio) of each credit card transaction no matter which card brand was used. The fees in this pricing model are predictable for the merchant, as they do not differ from transaction to transaction.

epay Flex: Interchange++
Interchange++ is a most commonly used pricing model in Europe and the US.
Interchange++ offers to the merchant the breakdown of the cost components related to a transaction:
- Interchange fee to the issuer
- Card scheme fees to the credit card organizations (e.g., Mastercard & Visa)
- Acquiring fee
The card scheme fees depend on many factors and consist of different individual components for each card used. How much the credit card organization charges for each transaction results from a complex calculation with a number of variables. Therefore, the fee to be paid by the merchant varies from transaction to transaction. As a result, the final costs for credit card acquiring cannot be foreseen for the merchant and differ from month to month.

More about Acquiring
What is Acquiring?
The acquirer is a bank or a company that holds an acquiring license from the credit card organization. Acquirer holds a service agreement with the merchant, processes the card transactions on merchant’s behalf and provides a payment guarantee.
Acquirer provides the following services to merchants:
- Processing of card payments
- Providing payment guarantee & the money transfer to the merchant’s bank account
- The reporting (billing or statistics)
What is an example of the processing of transactions?
Acquirer enables transactions to be authorized and carries out both clearing (the processing) and settlement (the payment of the transaction amounts, minus any chargebacks and fees) for the merchant.
Example of the authorization process:
- A brick-and-mortar merchant accepts the card payment via POS terminal at the point of sale.
- The terminal sends the transaction data to the Acquirer, who forwards the transaction via the Card Schemes to the Issuer Bank for approval.
- The Issuer approves or declines the transaction and sends the authorization response to Acquirer, who forwards it to the merchant. Cardholder interaction may be required for the authorization process, for example, entering the PIN.
What are the fees paid by the merchant?
As a merchant, you pay fees according to the chosen pricing model to the acquirer. These fees are interchange fee, card scheme fees and acquiring fee. The acquirer pays the card scheme fees and interchange fee to the card schemes. The issuer receives the interchange fee from the card schemes.
What is interchange fee?
Interchange ist eine geringe Gebühr, die in der Regel von Acquirern an die Kartensausgeber (die Bank des Karteninhabers) gezahlt wird. Die EU-Verordnung über Interbankenentgelte für den kartenbasierten Zahlungsverkehr begrenzt die Interbankenentgelte für Verbraucherkarten (0,2% des Transaktionsbetrags bei Debitkarten und 0,3% bei Kreditkarten). Weitere Informationen zu den Interchange Gebühren finden Sie auf den offiziellen Seiten von MasterCard und Visa.
What do card scheme fees include?
The Card Scheme fees depend on many factors and consist of different individual components for each card used. The fees charged by the credit card organization for each transaction result from a complex calculation with a number of variables. Therefore, the fee to be paid by the merchant varies from transaction to transaction for each card used.
What is Acquiring fee?
Die Acquiring Gebühr ist die Gebühr, die der Acquirer für die Erbringung seiner Dienstleistung vom Händler einbehält. Sie ist i.d.R. eine feste Gebühr ein Bestandteil (das zweite Plus) des Interchange++ Pricings (epay flex).
What is the Disagio?
“Disagio“ is a rate charged to a merchant for the payment processing of card transactions, given as a percentage of each sales transaction processed. The Disagio denotes the amount of the merchant fee per transaction. It can consist of one component (epay Fix) or three individual components (epay Flex).
What is cashback?
Purchase with cashback allows a cardholder to conduct a transaction at a point-of-sale (POS) in a card present environment and request an additional cash withdrawal, as a part of the same transaction. Besides girocard, both Visa and Mastercard cashback allows you as a merchant to dispense cash to your customers at the point-of-sale, when they pay with their cards.
Important points regarding cashback:
- Cash withdrawals are only permitted in connection with a card transaction to pay for the merchant’s goods and services.
- Cash withdrawals with cashback must not exceed €200 for EC and credit cards.
- There is currently no cash withdrawal with cashback minimum, neither for EC nor for credit cards.
- Cash is paid out exclusively based on a mandatory authorization of the requested amount by the card issuer (EC card).
Clearing and settlement: how does the merchant receive the money for the provided goods and services with cashless payments?
Clearing is the transmission of the processed transaction via the respective interface to the card scheme.
Settlement is the evaluated payment of the card scheme to the acquirer as a whole. Settlement thus describes the actual flow of money.
From this the payment is provided to the merchant by the acquirer – at the time according to contractual agreement (daily/weekly/monthly).
What is payment guarantee?
Credit card payments in case the authorization has been successful. This means that the merchant is guaranteed to receive his money in any case and can hand over the goods or services to the cardholder. In this way, the acquirer assumes liability and guarantees the merchant that payment for the goods and services delivered will be made.
What is difference between a consumer card and a commercial card?
A consumer card is a payment card offered to individual cardholders that intend to use it for personal purposes. A commercial or a non-consumer card is a payment card offered to registered businesses for their employees to use to make purchases on behalf of their company.
What are the geographic locations?
Interchange fee and Card Scheme fees vary based on the region: domestic, intra-EEA, intra non-EEA and inter-regional, defined by the locations of the card-issuing bank and the point of sale. A card-based domestic transaction is a transaction in which the card-issuing bank is located in the same country as the point of sale. An intra EEA card-based transaction is a transaction in which the card-issuing bank is located in a different country within the European Economic Area (EEA) than the point of sale at which the card is used. An intra non-EEA card-based transaction is a transaction in which the card-issuing bank is located outside of the European Economic Area (EEA) but in Europe and the point of sale at which the card is used is within Europe Economic dream (EEA) or vice versa. An interregional card-based transaction is a transaction in which the card-issuing bank is located outside of Europe and the point of sale is within Europe or vice versa.