Social Days 2023: epay Germany supports BUND Naturschutz and Caritas again this year
Social Days, which have been taking place at the epay German sites for a few years already, are all about company-promoted voluntary employee engagement to support social projects within the region. This spring, four campaigns took place in collaboration with BUND Naturschutz [BUND Natural Protection] and Caritas. Further activities are already being planned for autumn with both organizations. A very warm “thank you” to all the hardworking participants (#strongertogether)!
For Social Day, epay employees simultaneously supported three different Caritas institutions to redesign their premises. Volunteers had to call on their crafting and gardening skills: Working together they transformed pallets into furniture, planted terraces, and revamped walls and spaces using paint and wallpaper.
Within the wider context of the Social Days, epay employees also got involved in biotope work by BUND Naturschutz in the former Pasing Cloister Garden, thereby supporting preparations for the future Magdalenenpark [Magdalen Park]. The tasks they tackled included successfully getting to grips with the construction and drilling out of wild bee shelters, and actively combatting knotweed and ivy, for example.
We are happy to take a more detailed look at the four Social Days institutions and locations here:
Carisma second-hand shop and kids’ store
At the Carisma furniture shop with connected kids’ store, in Geretsried, visitors can buy items in good condition such as furniture, household objects, decorations and children’s clothes – sustainably and at a fair price. The range is made up of donated items, and the shop is operated by 15 to 20 employees who are mentored and supported in their day-to-day work and are also trained to newly join the employment market, for example.
A local newspaper even reported on this epay Social Day: https://www.merkur.de/lokales/wolfratshausen/dasgelbeblatt/social-days-finanzdienstleister-engagiert-in-geretsried-92284514.html
Alveni Haus Fürstenfeldbruck
Alongside advice centers for families and children, the Munich-Freising Caritas association offers reliable in-house help for young people; it also provides places in juvenile residential homes – such as Alveni Haus – within remedial education residential groups, to offer support with accommodation and in instances of emergency removal to young people seeking help.
Meeting point 50+ Dachau
Meeting point 50+ Dachau is an institution for citizens from the district of Dachau. It is a point of contact for people from middle age who are seeking contact and company, and who wish to creatively share their individual experiences, abilities, interests and talents with others.
BUND Naturschutz Magdalenenpark Munich/ Pasing
Through its biotope work in Magdalenenpark in Munich/Pasing, the Munich grouping of nature protection organization BUND Naturschutz is safeguarding the biodiversity of insects and plants as well as an important location for rest and relaxation in the heart of the city.
BUND Naturschutz works independently of any economic structures, political parties or religious denominations. It has been an independent advocate for nature since 1913. The goal of the organization is to preserve the natural foundation of life for people, animals and plants.
More information about BUND Naturschutz, Munich group, is available at https://www.bn-kreisgruppe-muenchen.de/ or at https://www.facebook.com/bn.muenchen/ and https://www.instagram.com/bn_muenchen/
epay’s Social Days are part of the entire Euronet company’s CSR commitment
As part of the global Euronet payment network (NASDAQ:EEFT), we value environmental, social and governance performance throughout our organization, so that we continue delivering positive ecological and social change, protected by our strong Corporate Governance structure. We can achieve a great deal together! That’s why epay Germany is very happy to make its contribution and present its activities here.
More details on the Euronet ESG strategy are available here: https://ir.euronetworldwide.com/esg
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Jana Weisshaupt
PR & Communications
+49 89 899643-499