Social Days 2022: epay Germany supports BUND Naturschutz and Caritas
The Social Days, which have been taking place at epay in Germany for several years now, are about voluntary employee involvement in social projects in the regional environment, encouraged by the company. This year, three activities took place in cooperation with BUND Naturschutz and Caritas. Special thanks to all the hard-working participants (#strongertogether)

Social Day 1: With the BUND Naturschutz at the biotope work in the Magdalenenpark Munich/ Pasing
For this Social Day, epay employees supported the organization BUND Naturschutz München with biotope work in the Magdalenenpark in Munich/Pasing, which will become an important place for recreation and relaxation in the middle of the city for residents and visitors and also serves to protect the biodiversity of insects and plants. In bright sunshine, beds were dug up and prepared for wildflower seeding, grass from the last insect-friendly mowing was raked up and collected for compost, and a path was paved for better water drainage.
The BUND Naturschutz works economically, party-politically and denominationally independently. It has been an independent advocate for nature since 1913 and serves exclusively non-profit purposes. Its goal is to preserve the natural foundations of life for humans, animals and plants. Already over 260,000 members and sponsors support this goal.
More information:

Social Day 2: Caritas Youth and Parent Counseling Dachau
The Dachau Youth and Parent Counseling Center is responsible for about 150,000 residents in the district and handled about 700 counseling cases in 2021 alone. The youth and parent counseling center and writing baby counseling at the Caritas Center Dachau offers professional counseling for parents, families, couples, children and adolescents, advises on all emotional or behavioral concerns and problems, as well as separation and divorce conflicts – and free of charge and regardless of denomination. For this Social Day, epay employees renovated the facility’s playroom so that the children and families who receive counseling can feel comfortable in the attractively designed room. For example, built-in cabinets were sanded and repainted and a wall was beautified.
Link: www.caritas-nah-am-naechsten.de/kinder-jugend-und-familienhilfe-dachau

Social Day 3: epay Germany supports Caritas in designing a home for young people
In addition to counseling centers for families and children, the Caritas Association Munich-Freising also offers inpatient help for young people and provides places in curative residential groups in youth hostels to accommodate and take into care young people seeking help. To ensure that the young people feel as comfortable as possible in their temporary accommodation, epay colleagues embellished walls with new paint during the Social Day at the Alveni Haus youth residence in Fürstenfeldbruck.
Caritas Munich-Freising is the largest social employer in Upper Bavaria and offers help for people of all ages, social classes and denominations in more than 350 facilities.
More about the Caritas Association: www.caritas-nah-am-naechsten.de
More about Caritas inpatient youth care at: www.caritas-nah-am-naechsten.de/caritas-standorte/cont/36392

epay’s CSR commitment contributes to Euronet ESG strategy
As part of the global payments network Euronet Worldwide Inc (NASDAQ:EEFT), environmental, social and governance performance across our organization is important to us in order to continue to deliver positive environmental and social change, protected by our strong corporate governance structure. Together we can make a big difference! Therefore, epay Germany is happy to do its part and presents its activities here.
More details about the Euronet ESG strategy here: ir.euronetworldwide.com/esg
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Jana Weisshaupt
PR & Communications
+49 89 899643-499