How a digital donation voucher solution can look like in retail
The outbreak of the Corona pandemic is hitting those people in our society who are dependent on the support and food supply provided by aid organisations particularly hard. The essential work of these organisations is enormously affected by the Corona restrictions and the lack of food supplies. In addition, the number of people seeking support is growing daily due to increasing short-time work or unemployment.
For many years we have been working together with companies in the food retail industry for their gift card portfolio in stores and online. In this way, we are able to implement fundraising campaigns in the form of new digital voucher solutions for our partners within a very short time, both technically and commercially. The solution involves consumers directly and can thus develop a broad solidarity strength.
This is how our donation voucher solution works:
- Consumers select the donation voucher at a fixed value in the retailer’s online shop and pay for the voucher.
- The amount thus donated goes 1:1 to the aid organization in the form of a voucher, the value of the voucher can be increased by the retailer – for example, doubled – as his solidarity contribution.
- Once the payment process has been completed, consumers automatically receive a thank-you letter by e-mail.
- epay handles the entire digital voucher solution via its technical platform: This includes the payment and authorization processes, the sending of the thank-you letter to the consumers, the daily automatic forwarding of the collected vouchers as PDF to the aid organization and the reporting to the merchant.
- The supported organisation independently distributes the vouchers – so they arrive exactly where they are needed.
- The vouchers can be redeemed by the recipients during their next purchase from the retailer in the store or online and thus provide themselves with food.
Here you will find a current example of a donation voucher solution implemented in this way, which we have realised for PENNY in Germany:
For more information on our voucher solutions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
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Jana Weisshaupt
PR & Communications
+49 89 899643-499