Indirect Clearing
Get revenue bundled & save costs
By default, there is one booking to a merchant account for each girocard transaction. Especially for merchants with many transactions and/or several branches, the number of the mentioned booking entries increase rapidly. This results in high costs for merchants, as banks usually charge a fee per booking entry.
epay has developed an indirect clearing system in which all girocard transactions are centrally credited to a escrow account, accumulated and transferred to the merchant account as one booking.
This saves the merchant accounting entry fees.
- The interim account is opened by epay as a excrow account, with existing permission according to ZAG.
- epay provides a sales reporting via CSV file to enable the allocation of sales.
- Indirect clearing is possible for girocard transactions.
Indirect Clearing+
- Combine the advantages of direct clearing and indirect clearing and receive the value at your bank the das after the transaction
with indirect clearing. (best case)
- epay bears the direct debit risk, merchant is not liable.
- All daily transactions and transactions of all branches are accumulated and booked as a collective transfer. This does not create many accounting entries, as the number of transactions is reduced.
- No hidden costs: bundled payouts save the often hidden accounting costs.
- Full transparency: one reporting of all individual transactions for quick allocation of sales.