Interview SCHAPFL IT-Scannerkassen GmbH
SCHAPFL IT-Scannerkassen GmbH is a leading company in the field of cash register systems. Around 5,000 satisfied customers work with the SCS POS system throughout Germany. Among them are the owners of smaller retail stores as well as large chain stores. The SCHAPFL POS system not only covers pure checkout at the POS, but also the entire inventory management system.
SCHAPFL has its own IT competence center, where experts and specialists work on the constant improvement and updating of the POS software. In addition, there is the adjustment to new laws and regulations.
SCHAPFL customers have been benefiting from new innovative features each year for decades.
A special highlight for SCHAPFL customers is the fully integrated terminal, which was realized with epay.

Peter Schapfl, Managing Director SCHAPFL IT-Scannerkassen GmbH
What was the initial situation? What were your reasons for choosing then epay integration module?
With the SCHAPFL POS system, we wanted to offer our customers an optimal and integrated solution for card terminals, where input errors are impossible due to the system. A secure POS system is a top priority and a key quality feature of the SCS POS system.
Another criteria was flexibility regarding new features. Our customers are demanding and want to include new features in their service to customers. An example of such a feature is “cash withdrawal”.
These features are available via the epay integration module and integrate seemlessly onto to the SCHAPFL POS solution. This greatly improves the usability for our customers.
How would you describe the cooperation with epay?
epay is our exlusive payment partner. Our business relationship with epay is therefore very good. This partnership has now been in place for many years.
How was the connection process?
We were in very close exchange during the development of the interface to the epay integration module.. This cooperation with epay is always constructive and solution-oriented. This enabled us to achieve a very convenient and secure connection for our users.
Which services and additional features do you use with the epay integration module?
In addition to standard payment functions, we also offer our customers credit card acceptance, cash withdrawal and prepaid card transactions.
What has changed or improved?
The configuration and connection of variousterminals from different manufacturers to the SCHAPFL cash register system has beenenormously simplified with the epay integration module. Our support effort has been reduced and simplified enormously due to this standardization.
Howhas the turnover of your merchants changed? Could new sales potential be tapped?
The number ofcashless and contactless payments has increased significantly in recent times. Nowadays retail customers want to pay even small amounts conveniently with their card, smartphone or even with their smartwatch. The Covid–19–pandemic has definitely accelerated this development. As a result, we have seen higher demand than in previous years.
Are you satisfied with epay and our service?
Despite changing contact persons it was alwaysensured that the processing of our orders and support requests was carried out in a fast way. We are very satifisfied with the service from epay.
How likely are you to recommend epay?
epay is our exclusive payment partner. We exclusively handle payment contracts from epay and will continue to do so in the future, therefore the probability is very high.