Offer only the best to the best
As a leading expert for incentive solutions, we support over 3,000 business customers with individually tailored solutions.
Our offering ranges from bonus and reward programs to themed and shopping vouchers to a variety of non-cash rewards – put together according to your wishes.

Rewarding Excellence
As a full service provider in the field of incentive solutions, we offer you the entire spectrum of incentive options. Whether for motivating your employees, promoting customer loyalty or for your individual area of application – we have the right product for you.
- Motivate and retain employees
- Attract and retain customers
- Increase sales
Employee motivation and loyalty
Those who are rewarded for their work with appealing incentives are aware of the appreciation of their performance. To help you motivate your employees in the long term, we advise you on both the selection of the right benefits and the creation of complete incentive campaigns.
Customer acquisition and retention
Customer acquisition and retention are among the most difficult disciplines in everyday business. Completely independent of industry or company size, it has become indispensable in the highly competitive market to maintain and constantly improve business relationships.
We develop innovative and customized solutions for you, such as bonus programs and customer clubs, and work with you to select the right rewards portfolio. Tailored to your market, your target group and your budget. Take advantage of our know-wow and successful strategies in over 50 industries.
Sales promotion
Increase the net sales and sales of your products through individual and target group-specific concepts. Promote customer loyalty and satisfaction by increasing the attractiveness value of your brand. As specialists in the field of sales promotion, we provide you with the appropriate voucher and reward solutions, packaged in suitable mechanisms.
Our services range from individual consulting to the entire conception and planning of measures to the clearing and customer support of your promotion.
Programs & digital solutions
With our program solutions, you can increase the motivation and engagement of your target group in an innovative way.
In our world of benefits, for example, numerous rewards can be offered at a discounted price. The interactive bonus program IPS and our rewards store solutions round off our offering for you, your employees and your customers.
The rewards they contain are also provided and integrated by us in the respective program.

Our popular BestChoice shopping voucher leaves nothing to be desired. With this all-in-one voucher you always give the right gift, because the presentee himself can choose the desired premium from numerous brands.
Of course, in addition to our universal vouchers, such as the BestChoice shopping voucher or the DriversChoice fuel voucher, you can also purchase the vouchers for individual brands directly from us.
And the best thing about it: In our online store, the Incentive Mall, you can get our entire range of vouchers with just a few clicks.
Non-cash premiums
From our large selection of high-quality non-cash prizes from numerous brand manufacturers, we will be happy to put together an attractive range of prizes individually tailored to your target group.
With more than 2 million premiums sent out annually, cadooz is one of the largest premium service providers in Germany. You too can benefit from our excellent purchasing conditions and our extensive supplier network.

cadooz is the leading provider of incentive marketing in Germany. For over 20 years, the company has been developing high-quality and exciting product solutions for business customers.
With over 150 employees at its Hamburg and Munich locations, cadooz offers solutions for all aspects of digital bonus programs, worlds of benefits, vouchers and non-cash rewards.
These are used for new customer acquisition, customer retention and employee motivation. Numerous business customers – from DAX companies to small businesses – rely on the expertise of cadooz.
Discover all the possibilities
We have other ways for you to inspire your customers and make them fans. Our gift card portfolio includes all popular products & is a true customer magnet. We also implement our own voucher card solutions with you. Or how about an optimal payment process at every touchpoint for your customers?