epay Germany expands its multi-brand voucher family “Gutscheinfreude” magazine voucher and well-known book voucher now available at retailer EDEKA
“Multi-brand gift cards, which we also distribute, are very popular with consumers and are among the top ten gift card categories sold on the market. The new multi-brand gift cards in our own product family “Gutscheinfreude” bring together popular brands on the same theme – i.e. associated with a specific consumer need or hobby – without specifying one brand. After the 2019 launch of the KINO gift card, which includes fourlarge movie theater chains and over 180 movie theaters across Germany, we now have two attractive gift cards for readers in our portfolio: the BÜCHER book gift card and the MAGAZIN gift card.“
– Volker Patzak,
Director of Business Development at epay

themed vouchers of epay’s voucher family „Gutscheinfreude“ in Germany
These themed vouchers are already available in German retail stores:
1. magazine voucher
Customers can now use the magazine voucher (MAGAZIN Gutschein) to choose from 200 print and 5,000 digital titles – without a subscription. Once the value of the voucher has been used up, delivery ends automatically.
2. book voucher
The book voucher (BÜCHER Gutschein) has been realized together with the technology and information provider MVB since 2019. With the book voucher, consumers can choose their new favorite book in over 2,600 local bookstores across Germany and thus support local shopping.
3. vacation voucher
With the vacation voucher (URLAUBs Gutschein), which has been available in retail stores since the end of 2021, customers can choose their individual dream vacation from over 100 tour operators and get advice at over 450 DERTOUR travel agencies.
4. cinema gift voucher
Whether it’s an action movie, comedy, thriller or drama – the cinema gift voucher (KINO Geschenkgutschein), available since 2019, allows you to choose your favorite movie at your favorite cinema – that’s over 180 participating cinemas across Germany from providers Cinestar, Cineplex, UCI and Kinopolis.
More details and redemption pages at https://www.gutscheinfreude.de
Current partner press release
Book voucher now available at EDEKA
MVB and payment service provider epay acquire food retailer as sales partner | Up to 5,000 more sales points in participating stores across Germany | Gift card redeemable for in-store range only
EDEKA has become a new partner to local booksellers: the food retailer has added the BÜCHER book gift card to its range. Technology and information provider MVB started selling its Germany-wide Bücherscheck book gift card under the name BÜCHER last year, in cooperation with payment service provider epay. From July, the €25 gift cards will be available in up to 5,000 participating EDEKA stores, where they will be offered together with the new MAGAZIN gift card from epay’s Gutscheinfreude – Vielfalt schenken product family. The BÜCHER book gift card can only be redeemed physically in-store at one of over 2,600 local bookstores that are Bücherscheck partners. More information at www.mvb-online.de/buecher-gutschein
Original partner press release (in German only):
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