We take care of the replenishment with A.I.R.S. –
Automated Intelligence Replenishment System

We make sure that you don’t run out of gift cards. With A.I.R.S., automated refill, you don’t have to worry about reordering gift cards.
With the help of the activation transactions and our intelligent algorithm, we calculate the perfect time and take care of the logistics.
- Perfect solution for retailers selling physical cards to manage inventory based on sales
- End-to-end solution from transaction to re-order to delivery
- Automated with algorithmic solutions based on previous sales data
- Editable forms of all retailer-specific configuration settings for A.I.R.S. calculation
- Overview of the retailer’s stores with store detail pages and store-level configuration, shipping list, sales overview and master data correction
- Delivery of distribution centers possible
- Special sales overview for the A.I.R.S. products
- Detailed view of the income and expenses of a card product
- List of all card products in the inventory as well as product setup in the processing system with profiles for one or more card products